End The Cycles

Mike Oglesbee

Author and coach, Mike Oglesbee, shares his philosophies, tools, and techniques that he has used personally as well as professionally as a coach and hypnotherapist for more than a decade to help others just like you end the cycles of anxiety and depression in their lives. read less
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Overcoming Judgment Pt. 3
Jul 11 2022
Overcoming Judgment Pt. 3
As we step into part three of overcoming judgment in this week’s episode, we explore the judgements we cast upon others and ourselves. We look within to discover a new way of relating to others and ourselves that supports a higher purpose of love and tolerance in our journey of transformation.[00:47] – Moment of Motivation [03:24] – Overcoming Judgment Pt. 3 topic[14:14] – Challenge of the week [15:01] – ConclusionKey Takeaways:You deserve to live your life the way you want and express yourself authentically without fearing and worrying about being condemned. The same goes for others.Anytime someone hurts someone else or does something against them, it's because they are hurting within.And they don't know what they are doing or why. Hurt people hurt people. And hurt people hurt others in how they are hurting.When there is no enemy within, there can be no enemy without.Almost everything we consider flaws and wrong about ourselves is nothing more than what being a human is all about.Problems are meant to change us. That's their purpose.Visit https://endthecycles.com/ to learn more about my podcast and to claim your FREE copy of the first chapter of Fight Back!Order your copy of Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression here >> https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Back-Cycles-Anxiety-Depression/dp/1982246456/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VSJE864A7PRR&keywords=mike+oglesbee+fight+back&qid=1644795433&sprefix=mike+oglesbee+fight+back%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1
Overcoming Judgment Pt. 2
Jul 4 2022
Overcoming Judgment Pt. 2
In this week’s episode, we explore part two of overcoming judgment by delving into the judgment of others. When working to change your life, you will face the judgment of others and this world. This is one of the most challenging parts of change for most people but is necessary to go through. Learn how to accept and overcome the judgment of others in episode 23. [00:46] – Moment of Motivation [03:15] – Overcoming Judgment Pt. 2 topic[13:34] – Challenge of the week [14:47] – ConclusionKey Takeaways:Nobody knows what’s best or right for you. Every judgment comes from a biased viewpoint based only on someone else’s life experience. Becoming comfortable being the bad guy will deliver you from the struggles of others’ judgments upon you.Nobody has the right to tell you who, how, or what to be. People have a right to judge you. It’s part of Free Will. You also have Free Will and the right to let go of allowing them to sway you from what you desire in life. Judgment is part of life and something we must come to terms with. People can only hold you back in life if you permit them to do so. Visit https://endthecycles.com/ to learn more about my podcast and to claim your FREE copy of the first chapter of Fight Back!Order your copy of Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression here >> https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Back-Cycles-Anxiety-Depression/dp/1982246456/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VSJE864A7PRR&keywords=mike+oglesbee+fight+back&qid=1644795433&sprefix=mike+oglesbee+fight+back%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1
Overcoming Judgment Pt. 1
Jun 20 2022
Overcoming Judgment Pt. 1
Judgment is one of the most debilitating and harmful experiences people can have in life. Learning to overcome the judgment we receive from others as well as releasing the judgment habit we have within ourselves is necessary if we want to live a good life. In this week’s episode, I explore a new philosophy and lay a case out for why judgment doesn’t fit in a truth-based reality should be released.[00:48] –Moment of Motivation [04:06] – Judgment Pt.1 topic[14:03] – Challenge of the week [15:03] – ConclusionKey Takeaways: Judgment is something you will experience in life, so learning to manage it well is necessary as you grow and evolve.The better you become the more others will judge you. Many of the people who turn against you as you grow are the people close to you.Most people judge based on how they feel, but this is not an effective way to judge reality.The only absolutes in life are natural laws.Truth is one of the most effective natural laws to base our thinking on.Being fluid in our thinking is effective when working to release judgment.Visit https://endthecycles.com/ to learn more about my podcast and to claim your FREE copy of the first chapter of Fight Back!Order your copy of Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression here >> https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Back-Cycles-Anxiety-Depression/dp/1982246456/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VSJE864A7PRR&keywords=mike+oglesbee+fight+back&qid=1644795433&sprefix=mike+oglesbee+fight+back%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1
Golden Rule #4
May 9 2022
Golden Rule #4
Golden Rule #4 teaches us to have an open mind and not limit ourselves from our current level of thinking. As we learn and incorporate more effective thinking processes, our lives will change. What we experience in this world is a reflection of our thought processes being played out through our choices and decisions. By remaining in the same thought patterns with a closed mind, we cut ourselves off from the possibilities of a better life. We live in a fluid system, so we are served best with a fluid mindset. A mindset that allows us to adapt to the changes that take place so we can be effective in our journey of growth and transformation. [00:48] – Moment of Motivation [06:26] – Golden Rule #4 topic[14:56] – Challenge of the week [16:21] – Episode Conclusion Key Takeaways:One of the most detrimental mindsets you can carry through life is a closed or fixed mindset. We live in a fluid system. Your life is a product of your thinking.The degree that you want to change your life is equivalent to the degree that you must change your thinking. You must be willing to have an open mind and challenge what you have thought and believed throughout your life.Dissecting your belief systems to ensure they are serving you well is necessary for a good life. Visit https://endthecycles.com/ to learn more about my podcast and to claim your FREE copy of the first chapter of Fight Back!Order your copy of Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression here >> https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Back-Cycles-Anxiety-Depression/dp/1982246456/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VSJE864A7PRR&keywords=mike+oglesbee+fight+back&qid=1644795433&sprefix=mike+oglesbee+fight+back%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1
Golden Rule #3
May 2 2022
Golden Rule #3
Show Introduction: As we step into Golden Rule #3, we learn the importance of being consistent in our self-growth journey by doing the work every day. Change is a process that we must continue to cultivate and nurture if we want to see results in our lives. One of the biggest struggles people have with changing their lives is the tendency of not following through on a daily basis. Change takes time and consistency. Learn more about Golden Rule #3 in Episode 15. [00:48] – Moment of Motivation [06:47] – Golden Rule #3 topic[18:03] – Challenge of the week [20:01] – Episode ConclusionKey Takeaways:Seeing is believing is a flawed idea. What we see in life is a reflection of our beliefs, so believing is seeing. By continuing to hold onto your old story you reinforce it in the mind. This continues the cycles and continuous patterns you experience in your life.What we experience in life is our own thoughts and perceptions projected onto the external environment. You get to choose how you experience your life.Change is a psychological and biological processWorking on yourself continues to make your life betterDealing with the things you go through in life is necessary if you want a good life. Visit https://endthecycles.com/ to learn more about my podcast and to claim your FREE copy of the first chapter of Fight Back!Order your copy of Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression here >> https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Back-Cycles-Anxiety-Depression/dp/1982246456/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VSJE864A7PRR&keywords=mike+oglesbee+fight+back&qid=1644795433&sprefix=mike+oglesbee+fight+back%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1
Golden Rule #2
Apr 25 2022
Golden Rule #2
Show Introduction: Golden Rule #2 is all about learning to reframe your story in life to one of hope and restoration. Rather than continuing to reinforce the old story of despair and destruction, we must learn to cultivate an internal environment in the form of new stories and perceptions that will allow our minds to begin looking for new solutions that can create change in our lives. Your mind is the creative center that guides your life path and is influenced by the feedback it receives from your conscious mind and thoughts. Learn more about how to change your story in this episode on Golden Rule #2.[00:48] – Moment of Motivation [06:58] – Golden Rule #2 topic[16:15] – Challenge of the week [17:22] – Episode Conclusion Key Takeaways:This is such an important shift in your thinking because it allows you to begin creating a new life for yourself. The language of the subconscious mind is pictures and stories which is the beginning of the creative process.Everything that is in your life is the result of your imagination and is where your power comes from. Your dominating thoughts are primarily responsible for your outcomes in life. When you continue to reinforce your old story, you are reinforcing a belief system around it, and your life will reflect it.Affirmations are wonderful, however, we want to stay in line with integrity when we use them. Walking around telling yourself something that isn't true isn't helpful.Visit https://endthecycles.com/ to learn more about my podcast and to claim your FREE copy of the first chapter of Fight Back!Order your copy of Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression here >> https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Back-Cycles-Anxiety-Depression/dp/1982246456/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VSJE864A7PRR&keywords=mike+oglesbee+fight+back&qid=1644795433&sprefix=mike+oglesbee+fight+back%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1
The Acceptance Principle
Apr 18 2022
The Acceptance Principle
Show Introduction: Acceptance is one of the most important steps you must take to change your life. This episode is all about understanding this great principle that leads us into a deeper understanding of how to begin to interact with our shadow parts to transform them. Rejection causes us to hang on to those things we don’t wish to be or do through the negative attachments and also keeps us from facing those things. This is primarily responsible for the cycles of anxiety and depression people experience in their lives. [00:51] – Moment of Motivation [6:05] – Acceptance Principal topic[6:49] – Shadow Parts[10:35] – Tangible Example of Weight Loss[13:00] – Acceptance of the Human Condition [16:59] – Challenge of the week [18:37] – Episode 13 Conclusion Key Takeaways: Rejection of any part of ourselves or our lives creates shadow parts that then consume and control us. We reject our shadow parts because of an underlying belief that we are wrong or bad for having or experiencing them.You cannot release anxiety or depression through rejection, only acceptance.Negative attachments hold those things you do not want in place.Rejection of self is a form of self-hatred.You must love yourself to health.Preferring a different experience or to change something about yourself is part of the human condition and is not individualized to you. Everyone experiences this on some level.If you can’t accept where you are then you may not be able to change it. This principle of acceptance is not passive. It means to step into your situation fully, explore it, and create a strategy to change it. Visit https://endthecycles.com/ to learn more about my podcast and to claim your FREE copy of the first chapter of Fight Back!Order your copy of Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression here >> https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Back-Cycles-Anxiety-Depression/dp/1982246456/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VSJE864A7PRR&keywords=mike+oglesbee+fight+back&qid=1644795433&sprefix=mike+oglesbee+fight+back%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1
Golden Rule #1
Apr 11 2022
Golden Rule #1
Show Introduction: The Four Golden Rules are designed to help you create real and lasting change in your life. In order to live a life free from debilitating anxiety and depression, you must implement a new standard for yourself. In this week’s episode, we look in-depth at Golden Rule #1 – Be good to yourself and never beat yourself up for your mistakes and shortcomings. No growth comes when you beat yourself up and you are working to outgrow anxiety and depression. Learn more about this Golden Rule and how to begin implementing it into your life to create profound changes. [00:48] – Moment of Motivation [07:10] – Golden Rule #1 topic[7:42] – Introduction to the Four Golden Rules[9:53] –Golden Rule #1 Breakdown and Application[18:09] – Challenge of the week [20:01] – Episode 12 Conclusion Key Takeaways: Mistreating yourself with self-criticism, berating, and beating yourself up is a form of abuse. Mistakes are part of the human experience and cannot be avoided. To try and avoid mistakes is a mistake. Mistakes are one of our greatest teachers in life. They give you the opportunity to grow and become better.How you treat yourself is based on the habit you have learned from your past experiences. You can learn more effective ways to accomplish your goals and create changes in your life.Upholding Golden Rule # 1 is one of the most important things you can do for yourself in life and is an act of self-love.Visit https://endthecycles.com/ to learn more about my podcast and to claim your FREE copy of the first chapter of Fight Back!Order your copy of Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression here >> https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Back-Cycles-Anxiety-Depression/dp/1982246456/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VSJE864A7PRR&keywords=mike+oglesbee+fight+back&qid=1644795433&sprefix=mike+oglesbee+fight+back%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1
Toxic Relationships Pt. 2 - Bulletproof Boundaries
Apr 4 2022
Toxic Relationships Pt. 2 - Bulletproof Boundaries
Building bulletproof boundaries is simplified in today’s episode as we explore part 2 of toxic relationships and how to change them. Boundaries are necessary when working to change your life but what people struggle with the most. Learn what boundaries are, why you need them, and how to create and implement them in today’s episode. [00:48] – Moment of Motivation [05:03] – Building Bulletproof Boundaries topic introduction[05:36] – What are boundaries[05:58] – Why you need boundaries[07:39] – How to create and implement boundaries[12:11] – What to do when your boundaries are challenged[14:46] –Challenge of the week [16:06] – ConclusionKey Takeaways:Boundaries are the ultimate act of self-love and are necessary for healthy relationships in life.They are what define how you will be treated and express yourself in this world.It is your right to decide how you will be treated by others.The first step is to become clear on your boundaries. Relationships are either win-win or lose-lose. There are now win-lose relationships.It is your responsibility to create boundaries ad uphold them while holding others accountable for the changes required as well.Implementing boundaries can be difficult but is necessary to end the cycles of anxiety and depression from your life. Visit https://endthecycles.com/ to learn more about my podcast and to claim your FREE copy of the first chapter of Fight Back!Order your copy of Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression here >> https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Back-Cycles-Anxiety-Depression/dp/1982246456/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VSJE864A7PRR&keywords=mike+oglesbee+fight+back&qid=1644795433&sprefix=mike+oglesbee+fight+back%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1
Toxic Relationships Pt. 1 - Knowledge
Mar 28 2022
Toxic Relationships Pt. 1 - Knowledge
Show Introduction: The area that most people struggle with when working to end the cycles of anxiety and depression in their lives is with toxic environments and relationships. It’s important to learn how to manage and change them if you want to free yourself from your cycles. But what are toxic relationships and what’s the first step to changing them? Find out in this episode![00:49] – Moment of Motivation [06:52] – Toxic Relationships topic introduction[08:15] – What is Abuse?[09:45] – The first step to changing toxic and abusive relationships[10:34] – 12 signs of toxic relationships[16:03] – Challenge of the week [17:25] – ConclusionKey Takeaways:Knowledge is the first step to changing your toxic relationships because it gives you the understanding of what you’re dealing with as well as how to begin working to change it.Most people are conditioned into toxic relationships without even recognizing them. Abuse is most common in toxic relationship and can come in the form of physical, emotional, mental, sexual, spiritual, or religious.Learning the signs of abuse and toxicity and begin to change your life.Visit https://endthecycles.com/ to learn more about my podcast and to claim your FREE copy of the first chapter of Fight Back!Order your copy of Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression here >> https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Back-Cycles-Anxiety-Depression/dp/1982246456/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VSJE864A7PRR&keywords=mike+oglesbee+fight+back&qid=1644795433&sprefix=mike+oglesbee+fight+back%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1